New release from Pierre Paul Poison coming out in March 2015


Trap project with influences of techno and bass. This is the first release of Pierre Paul Poison, Belgian music producer.

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Tentative, greedy, by night they came, drawn to the VIBES drawn to the light. Their shadow organs pulsed beneath bellies distended as Falstaff’s, backs a tarnished armor studded with the rosettes of some obscure disease. What of their victims, the cannon fodder, Welsh soldiery thrown each night against the muzzle flare? Ragged, high-strung moths, green lacewings streamlined like F-16s. Pierre Paul Poison, like great officers and kings, took them into their EARS, more or less at leisure, with a gratifying snap. Silently, of course, through the pane of glass, where death comes only on a smaller scale.

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